You know this is just crazy for me to think I could keep a blog up, work 36 hours a week at the job that pays me, plant and harvest veggies, sell them, sell plants and ya know what that's not the half of it. My mom always said, "Watch out Arlene Time Flys!". And you know what? It does!!! It just a shame!!! I have not only taken on a new project I have also become obsessed with it!!!! I make handmade soap now...yep...lye soap just like mom always made...well that is until Ivory came out then she would get some money together to buy the Ivory. My passion has gone to the point that people really love it and they return for more!! The picture above is one of my favorite, oh heck they are all my favorite!!! It is, "Green Ocean Mist". It is sitting tucked away waiting to make its grand entrance in another week or so. So if some of you wonder where I have been...just take a look. I have been soaping! Please check out my sites and let me know what you think. I promise there is more where that came from. So I sure hope I can get in here more often.......opps did I mention that I travel to Craft Fairs around my area? Yep love them and love the people I meet. Well I am beat for the day so off I go to prop my feet up and dream of soap.